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Google Workspace

What Google Workspace offers and the services we provide to you

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UK ✆  +44 (207) 871 5021

Google Cloud Partner

Google Workspace for your Organisation

At we love to help and support companies and organisations move to the cloud with Google Workspace, provide Google Workspace training and change management, and migrate your emails, calendars, documents and files into Google Workspace. If you need any of these Google Workspace services then see more details below.

Leading cloud reliability with Google Workspace

Google Workspace offers its services with a 99.9% service level agreement. Google Workspace achieved 99.989% uptime availability in 2018.  With no planned downtime for updates and system maintenance you can rely on Google Workspace ready for use whenever you need it.

Need Google Workspace Services?

If you need any help with your upcoming Google Workspace deployment or support with a current Google Workspace implementation then let our Google Workspace experts  know.

Google Workspace Migration

Migrate to G Suite with Steegle

Google Workspace Migration 

Google Workspace Deployment

Google Workspace Deployment

Google Workspace Training

Google Workspace Training

Google Workspace Licence Support

Google Workspace Licensing 

Google Workspace Security Audit and Workshop

Google Workspace Security 

Google Workspace Admin Pro Support

Google Workspace Admin Support