Steegle Affinity Groups
Steegle has introduced Affinity Groups and Employee Resource Groups into the Steegle.One Intranet, the Google Workspace intranet solution.
Groups are formed around a shared interest or common goal, to which individuals formally, or informally, belong to increase collaboration and camaraderie. Individuals join as core members or associate supporters.
Employees can simply sign up for a group themselves using the Steegle People Tool. Moderators can post new stories and content on the page.
A great modern way to keep employees engaged
Example Groups can be:
Affinity to a sport like Soccer
Affinity to a country, Experts in Portuguese markets
Shared backgrounds like ethnicity or nationality
Employee resource groups like Young Professional, Working Parents
Academic interests, for example research interests
Disability status
One solution for your
Google Workspace Intranet
Google Workspace Intranet